Construction Map
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Construction Projects
 NameDescriptionRouteCountyStart DateEnd DateStart MPEnd PMHot Spot
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 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 15 of 17.
5600 South Improved Mobility5600 South (SR-97) between I-15 and 3500 West (SR-108)SR 97WeberSummer 2023Autumn 2026MP 5MP 3
9000 South ImprovedSR-209; 9000 South: Redwood Road to State StreetSR 209Salt LakeSummer 2023Summer 2025MP 6MP 8
2700 W Bangerter Highway Interchange Construction2700 W Bangerter HighwayBangerter HwySalt LakeSummer 2023Autumn 2025MP 4MP 5
13400 S Bangerter Highway Interchange Construction13400 S Bangerter HighwayBangerter HwySalt LakeSummer 2023Autumn 2025MP 5MP 6
9800 S Bangerter Highway Interchange Construction9800 S Bangerter HighwayBangerter HwySalt LakeSummer 2023Autumn 2025MP 10MP 11
4700 S Bangerter Highway Interchange Construction4700 S Bangerter HighwayBangerter HwySalt LakeSummer 2023Autumn 2025MP 17MP 16
SR-30; S.R. 23 to 10th WestSR-30, SR-23 to 1000 WSR 30CacheSummer 2023Summer 2026MP 102MP 109
State Route 108 (2000 West) WideningState Route 108 (2000 West) in Clinton and West PointSR 108DavisAutumn 2023Autumn 2025MP 8MP 6
I-15 Springville/Spanish Fork InterchangeI-15; 2700 N Spanish ForkI-15UtahSummer 2024Summer 2025MP 259MP 259
I-15 Shepard Lane Interchange ImprovedI-15 at Shepard Lane in FarmingtonI-15DavisSpring 2024Autumn 2026MP 323MP 327
SB I-215 Frontage Road; 4100 South to 4700 SouthSouthbound I-215 between 4100 South and 4700 SouthI-215 WSalt LakeSpring 2024Spring 2025MP 16MP 16
13400 S Bangerter Highway Interchange Construction.13400 S Bangerter HighwayBangerter HwySalt LakeSummer 2023Autumn 2025MP 5MP 6
SR-36 & I-80 ImprovedSouthbound SR-36 from Sunset to Stansbury ParkwaySR 36TooeleSummer 2024Spring 2025MP 63MP 61
SR-85 Mountain View Corridor; 2100 N to Porter Rockwell BlvdFrom 2100 North to Porter Rockwell BoulevardMountain View CorrUtahSpring 2024Spring 2026MP 2MP 3
Huntsville RoundaboutMain Street/SR-39 intersection in HuntsvilleSR 39WeberSummer 2024Autumn 2025MP 19MP 19
Lane Closures
RouteCountyDescriptionLanes AffectedDirectionStart DateEnd DateTypeStart MPEnd MP
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